Did you know high blood pressure (hypertension) affects 1 in 3 adults in the UK?* If left untreated, it can lead to heart problems, strokes and damage to other vital organs. Therefore, it's crucial to be aware of the risks and how you can reduce them. That's where we can help, visit us at your local LloydsPharmacy store and have your blood pressure checked.

What happens during the Blood Pressure Check?

A member of our trained pharmacy team will take your blood pressure in the privacy of a consultation room. Your result will be explained to you and you will be offered any advice and support needed to manage your blood pressure. If appropriate, we may refer you to your doctor.

Who is this service for?

All adults are at risk of high blood pressure. Many people don't experience any symptoms, so a check-up is the only way to see if there is a problem.

Although all adults are at risk, people who fall into any of the below categories are at a higher risk of increased blood pressure:

  • You're older - more than 50% of people over the age of 60 have high blood pressure
  • You have a family history of high blood pressure or heart disease
  • You're overweight and don't do much exercise
  • You're of Asian or African-Caribbean descent
  • You drink more than 2-3 units of alcohol a day for women, or 3-4 units for men
  • Your diet includes a lot of salt - processed foods are often high in salt
  • You don't eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day

Our pharmacy team will be happy to discuss any blood pressure concerns you have.

Book your appointment below...

10 min.